The Internet of Things (IoT) is growing rapidly, with billions of connected devices deployed around the world. MQTT is a lightweight messaging protocol optimized for low-bandwidth networks. Prior to the MQTT protocol in IoT communication, devices struggled with complex protocols and limited bandwidth.

In this blog let’s explore how MQTT communication became the most reliable mode of communication in the connected world. This blog covers:

  • What is MQTT
  • MQTT Architecture
  • MQTT publish/ subscribe model
  • MQTT Servers/brokers
  • MQTT client and server communication
  • MQTT Message Types and Format
  • MQTT Security
  • Popular MQTT brokers and clients and lastly MQTT use cases in various applications.

What is the MQTT Protocol and Why is It Important in IoT?

The MQTT full form is Message Queuing Telemetry Transport, a pivotal communication protocol within the landscape of IoT protocols. As a lightweight and efficient messaging protocol, the MQTT protocol is designed to handle communication between devices in environments where bandwidth is limited and network reliability is often inconsistent. This makes it an ideal solution for IoT applications that require real-time data exchange with minimal power consumption.

The MQTT protocol in IoT utilizes a publish/subscribe model, which sets it apart from other traditional IoT protocols that rely on request/response communication methods. In this architecture, IoT devices (clients) either publish data to a central MQTT broker or subscribe to specific topics to receive information. This decoupled communication model enhances the scalability and efficiency of data transmission, enabling seamless integration of multiple IoT devices in complex networks.

By incorporating the MQTT protocol in IoT projects, developers can create robust, scalable, and efficient communication networks, allowing for effective data transmission even in environments with constrained resources. This makes the MQTT protocol an essential component of the IoT protocol stack, widely adopted across various industries such as smart home automation, industrial IoT, and remote monitoring systems.

How MQTT Protocol in IoT Works:

  • Publish/Subscribe Model of MQTT Protocol

    The MQTT Protocol operates on a publish/subscribe architecture, where devices (clients) either publish messages to a broker or subscribe to receive messages from the broker. This model is particularly suited for IoT because it ensures seamless communication even when the network is unreliable or has low bandwidth.

    Publish/Subscribe Model of MQTT Protocol

    Publish/Subscribe Model of MQTT Protocol

  • Message Flow:

    When a publisher device sends a message, the broker (central communication point) distributes it to all subscribed clients. This decouples the devices, allowing them to communicate without maintaining a direct connection, which is vital in large-scale IoT deployments.

Quality of Service (QoS) Levels in MQTT Protocol

Quality of Service (QoS) Levels in MQTT Protocol

The MQTT Protocol in IoT stands out for its adaptability in handling diverse communication requirements, primarily through its three distinct Quality of Service (QoS) levels. These levels allow you to fine-tune the reliability and efficiency of data transmission across your IoT infrastructure, ensuring that the communication is tailored to the application's criticality and network conditions.

  • QoS 0: "At Most Once" – Minimal Overhead, Best-Effort Delivery

    At QoS 0, the MQTT protocol adopts a "fire-and-forget" approach, where the message is sent from the publisher to the broker without any acknowledgment or confirmation of receipt from either the broker or the subscriber.

    • Technical Mechanics: The publisher sends the PUBLISH packet to the broker, and that's where its responsibility ends. There's no retransmission or verification, making this level the most bandwidth-efficient. The broker does not store the message, and if the subscriber is offline at the time, the message is simply lost.
    • Typical Use Cases: Ideal for high-throughput scenarios where data loss can be tolerated, such as real-time telemetry data from sensors in non-critical applications (e.g., environmental monitoring or routine status updates). This level significantly reduces processing overhead and is highly suitable for devices operating under tight power and bandwidth constraints.
    • Considerations: Given that there’s no guarantee of delivery, QoS 0 is unsuitable for applications requiring data integrity or reliability. It’s best used where network efficiency is prioritized over absolute message delivery assurance.
  • QoS 1: "At Least Once" – Guaranteed Delivery with Possible Duplicates

    QoS 1 ensures that a message reaches the intended recipients, albeit with the possibility of duplication. This level offers a balance between reliability and efficiency, making it widely used in many IoT applications.

    • Technical Mechanics: Upon sending the PUBLISH message, the publisher awaits a PUBACK acknowledgment from the broker. If the PUBACK is not received within a predefined timeout period, the publisher will retransmit the message, which ensures delivery but may result in duplicate messages being sent to the broker. The broker delivers the message to all subscribed clients, and it’s the responsibility of each client to handle potential duplicates based on the application's logic.
    • Typical Use Cases: Well-suited for scenarios where message delivery is important, but occasional duplicates can be tolerated, such as logging events in industrial automation, telemetry data for predictive maintenance, or smart metering where real-time updates are required.
    • Considerations: Implementing idempotent processing on the subscriber side is crucial to manage duplicates effectively. For example, using unique message IDs or state-checking mechanisms ensures that duplicate data does not disrupt downstream processes.
  • QoS 2: "Exactly Once" – Ensuring Absolute Data Integrity

    QoS 2 is the most rigorous level, guaranteeing that each message is delivered precisely once to each intended subscriber, with no duplication. This level is designed for use cases where data consistency and accuracy are paramount, albeit with increased protocol overhead.

    • Technical Mechanics: The QoS 2 process is more complex, involving a four-step handshake to prevent message duplication:
      • The publisher sends a PUBLISH message with a unique packet identifier.
      • The broker acknowledges with a PUBREC (Publish Received) packet, indicating it has received the message.
      • The publisher sends a PUBREL (Publish Release) packet to confirm receipt of PUBREC.
      • The broker completes the transaction with a PUBCOMP (Publish Complete) packet, signaling the message has been processed and delivered successfully.
    • Typical Use Cases: Critical applications such as financial transaction processing, asset tracking in logistics, or command-and-control systems in autonomous vehicles where even a single lost or duplicated message could result in significant errors or operational failures.
    • Considerations: Due to the increased complexity and resource requirements, QoS 2 should be implemented selectively, ensuring that the application’s infrastructure can handle the additional overhead. Its use is justified only when the cost of data loss or duplication far outweighs the communication overhead.

Optimizing QoS Levels for MQTT Protocol in IoT Deployments

Selecting the appropriate QoS level for your MQTT-based IoT solution is a crucial aspect of system design. Here are some advanced considerations:

  • Network Reliability: In environments with unstable or intermittent connectivity (e.g., remote industrial sites or mobile assets), QoS 1 or 2 might be necessary to ensure data delivery. However, consider the impact on bandwidth and processing.
  • Message Size and Frequency: For high-frequency, small payload data transmission, QoS 0 minimizes network congestion, while for larger, less frequent updates with critical data, QoS 1 or 2 is more appropriate.
  • Latency Sensitivity: QoS 0 offers the lowest latency since no acknowledgments are exchanged, whereas QoS 1 and QoS 2 introduce additional latency due to message acknowledgments and handshaking.

Architectural Components of an MQTT Protocol

The MQTT protocol in IoT has a set of components. The 4 major MQTT components are

  • MQTT Message
  • MQTT Client
  • MQTT Server or Broker
  • MQTT Topic

MQTT Message

MQTT messages are made up of three parts:

  • Fixed header
  • Variable header
  • Payload

The fixed header contains information about the type of message and the quality of service level.

The variable header contains information that is specific to each message type.

The MQTT message consists of a payload containing the actual message data published by a client. MQTT protocol limits the maximum payload size to 256 MB per message.

MQTT Message Structure

MQTT Message Structure

Persistent Sessions

Persistent sessions allow an MQTT client’s state to be maintained by the broker across connections. This feature is particularly beneficial in scenarios where devices intermittently connect and disconnect due to network instability.

Case Study: In industrial remote monitoring, sensors deployed in harsh environments may experience frequent disconnections. Persistent sessions ensure that data continuity is maintained, and no critical alerts are lost during periods of disconnection.

Retained Messages

Retained messages ensure that the most recent message on a topic is stored by the broker and delivered to any new subscribers immediately upon subscription.

Example: In a warehouse monitoring system, the latest temperature reading can be retained so that new devices subscribing to the temperature topic receive the most recent data without waiting for the next update.

Types of MQTT Messages

The three most common MQTT message types are crucial for managing data flow and maintaining connections within the MQTT protocol in IoT systems. Each type plays a distinct role in the communication process:

  • Connect:

    This message establishes the initial connection between the MQTT client and the server. In the MQTT protocol in IoT, the Connect message sets up parameters for a stable and reliable connection.

  • Disconnect:

    The Disconnect message allows the MQTT client to complete any pending tasks before severing the TCP/IP connection. This is critical for ensuring that all data transmission is properly concluded, maintaining system integrity, and preventing data loss.

  • Publish:

    After transmitting the message to the MQTT client, the Publish command resumes the application thread instantly. It handles the distribution of telemetry data among devices and ensures that messages are delivered according to the defined quality of service levels, essential for the reliability of IoT applications.

  • Subscribe:

    To establish one or more topic subscriptions, a Subscribe packet is delivered from the client to the server. This message type enables clients to express interest in specific topics and receive updates whenever new data is published, enhancing the dynamism and responsiveness of IoT systems.

What are MQTT Clients?

MQTT Clients

MQTT Clients

MQTT clients can be categorized into two main roles: publishers and subscribers.

  • Publishers:

    These are MQTT clients that send or "publish" messages to the MQTT broker. Messages published by publishers are typically associated with specific topics. Topics are like message channels, and messages are sent to a particular topic.

  • Subscribers:

    These are MQTT clients that receive or "subscribe" to messages from the MQTT broker. Subscribers express their interest in specific topics, and the broker sends messages published to those topics to the subscribing clients.

With the publish/subscribe model, clients do not need to know about each other. They only need to know the topic that they are interested in. When a client publishes a message to a topic, the message is delivered to all of the clients that have subscribed to that topic.

What is MQTT Broker?

MQTT Broker

MQTT Broker

An MQTT broker is a server that receives all messages from the clients and then routes these messages to the appropriate destination clients. As a central hub in the MQTT protocol, the broker is responsible for managing message queues and ensuring message delivery based on the topic subscriptions. It also handles the authentication and authorization of clients, ensuring secure and efficient communication in an MQTT network.

MQTT Topic

MQTT Topic is a UTF-8 string that brokers use for message filtering. Topics are represented as hierarchical strings separated by forward slashes. Clients publish messages to specific topics. Subscribers register interest in topics and receive published messages matching those topics. The broker handles routing messages from publishers to the appropriate subscribed clients based on topic filtering.

Example of Topic

Topics are used to define the path of the message. Here the message (temperature) will be sent to the dining room which is on the first floor of the home.

Advanced Features of MQTT 5 and Their Integration in IoT Platforms

MQTT 5, the latest version of the MQTT protocol, introduces several enhancements that significantly improve its functionality and adaptability in diverse IoT ecosystems. This section outlines the key features of MQTT 5 and explores its integration into contemporary IoT platforms.

Key Enhancements in MQTT 5

  • Shared Subscriptions

    This feature allows multiple clients to subscribe to the same topic and share the message load, which can be particularly useful in large-scale deployments where message volume can be very high.

  • Message Property Expansion

    MQTT 5 includes a wide range of message properties like response topic, content type, correlation data, and more, allowing better handling and routing of messages based on their content and purpose.

  • Enhanced Authentication Mechanisms

    With MQTT 5, support for enhanced authentication mechanisms has been added, including challenge/response style authentication, which provides an additional layer of security.

  • Request/Response Pattern

    Unlike its predecessors, MQTT 5 supports a native request/response mechanism that simplifies the implementation of synchronous communication patterns within asynchronous MQTT workflows.

  • Improved Error Reporting

    MQTT 5 provides more detailed error reporting at the protocol level, which helps in better diagnostics and troubleshooting of communication issues.

Integration into New IoT Platforms

  • Smart Home Systems

    Utilizing MQTT 5's shared subscriptions and request/response patterns, smart home platforms can manage device states more efficiently and respond to user commands more promptly.

  • Industrial IoT (IIoT) Applications

    In industrial contexts, the expanded message properties and improved error handling are crucial for managing complex machinery and processes where reliability and timely data transmission are critical.

  • Healthcare Devices

    The enhanced security features of MQTT 5 make it suitable for sensitive healthcare applications, ensuring that data transmission between devices and monitoring systems is secure and compliant with regulatory standards.

Working of MQTT Protocol- Explained

Working of MQTT

Working of MQTT

When a client connects to a broker, it must first identify itself. This is done using the MQTT connect packet. The connect packet contains the client's name, the broker's name, and the security credentials (if any).

Once the client has connected to the broker, it can start publishing and subscribing to messages.

To publish a message, the client sends an MQTT publish packet. The publish packet contains the message's topic, the message's payload, and the message's QoS (quality of service).

To subscribe to a topic, the client sends an MQTT subscribe packet. The subscribe packet contains the topic that the client wants to subscribe to.

When a client publishes a message, the broker delivers the message to all of the clients that have subscribed to the topic.

When a client subscribes to a topic, the broker starts delivering messages that are published to that topic.

Understanding MQTT Security

The MQTT Protocol in IoT is widely used for its lightweight and efficient communication, but security is paramount when dealing with sensitive IoT data. The protocol offers robust security mechanisms to ensure the integrity, confidentiality, and authenticity of data exchanged between MQTT clients and brokers. Key security components include authentication, authorization, encryption, and data integrity, which safeguard MQTT communications against unauthorized access and potential cyber threats.

1. Authentication: Verifying Device Identity in the MQTT Protocol

Authentication is the first line of defense in the MQTT Protocol in IoT, ensuring that only verified devices can connect to the MQTT broker. By verifying the identity of each client, MQTT minimizes the risk of unauthorized access and prevents malicious devices from infiltrating the network.

  • Username and Password Authentication:

    The most common method involves configuring a username and password for each MQTT client. While straightforward, this approach should always be used in conjunction with encrypted communication (e.g., TLS/SSL) to prevent credential interception.

    Best Practice: Use strong, unique credentials and avoid hardcoding them within the device firmware to enhance security.

  • Client Certificate Authentication:

    For more secure environments, MQTT can leverage X.509 certificates for mutual authentication. In this setup, both the client and broker authenticate each other using digital certificates, ensuring a high level of trust.

    Implementation: The broker requires a Certificate Authority (CA) to verify client certificates, providing stronger assurance of device identity and reducing the risk of impersonation attacks.

  • Token-Based Authentication:

    Advanced MQTT deployments may utilize token-based authentication methods, such as OAuth 2.0. Tokens provide a more scalable and flexible approach to managing device authentication, especially in large IoT networks with dynamic connections.

    Use Case: OAuth tokens are ideal for IoT applications where devices frequently connect and disconnect, ensuring secure and dynamic access control.

2. Authorization: Controlling Access to MQTT Topics and Resources

After successful authentication, the MQTT Protocol enforces authorization to control what actions an authenticated client can perform. Authorization ensures that clients have the correct permissions to publish or subscribe to specific MQTT topics, thus preventing unauthorized access or modification of sensitive data.

  • Topic-Based Access Control:

    The broker manages access permissions at the topic level, allowing administrators to define precise rules that restrict which topics a client can publish or subscribe to. This is crucial in multi-tenant IoT environments where different devices require access to different data streams.

    Example: A temperature sensor might have permission to publish data to "factory/sensor/temperature" but should be restricted from subscribing to "factory/control/commands" to prevent unintended actions.

  • Role-Based Access Control (RBAC):

    Many MQTT brokers support Role-Based Access Control, where clients are assigned roles (e.g., admin, subscriber, publisher) with predefined permissions. This method streamlines the management of access rights in large-scale IoT deployments.

3. Transport Layer Security (TLS/SSL): Securing MQTT Communication Channels

Transport Layer Security (TLS) or Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is essential for encrypting the communication channel between MQTT clients and the broker, ensuring data privacy and protection against eavesdropping or man-in-the-middle attacks.

  • TLS Handshake Process:

    During the TLS handshake, the client and broker exchange digital certificates and encryption keys to establish a secure communication channel. This process ensures both parties are who they claim to be, and the data transmitted is encrypted.

    TLS Versions: It is recommended to use the latest version of TLS (TLS 1.2 or TLS 1.3) for enhanced security and to avoid vulnerabilities present in older versions.

  • Mutual TLS Authentication:

    For maximum security, MQTT supports mutual TLS, where both the client and broker present certificates for verification. This dual authentication strengthens the trust between communicating parties, making it extremely difficult for unauthorized devices to gain access.

4. Payload Encryption: Enhancing Data Confidentiality in MQTT Protocol

While TLS/SSL encrypts data during transmission, payload encryption offers an additional layer of security by encrypting the actual message content (payload) within the MQTT messages.

  • End-to-End Encryption (E2EE):

    In scenarios where end-to-end encryption is necessary, the message payload is encrypted by the publisher before being sent to the broker and remains encrypted until it reaches the subscribing client. This ensures that even if the broker is compromised, the message content remains secure.

    Encryption Standards: Common algorithms used for payload encryption include AES-256, RSA, and ECC (Elliptic Curve Cryptography), which offer robust protection for sensitive data.

  • Implementing Payload Encryption:

    Payload encryption requires manual encryption and decryption on the client side, often using libraries like OpenSSL or other cryptographic frameworks. This provides more granular control over data security, especially in environments where sensitive information is transmitted (e.g., financial transactions, healthcare data).

Best Practices for Securing the MQTT Protocol in IoT Applications

  • Always Use TLS/SSL: Ensure that all MQTT communications are encrypted using TLS/SSL, especially when transmitting sensitive data.
  • Employ Strong Authentication Methods: Use certificate-based authentication or token-based systems over simple username/password combinations for enhanced security.
  • Implement Fine-Grained Authorization: Regularly audit and manage topic permissions to prevent unauthorized access.
  • Monitor and Log MQTT Traffic: Utilize monitoring tools to detect any unusual activity or potential breaches in the MQTT network.

Applications of MQTT Protocol

MQTT Applications

MQTT Applications

MQTT in IoT powers mission-critical applications across industries using the robust MQTT protocol in IoT.

In smart energy grids, MQTT enables the real-time transmission of meter readings, ensuring accurate customer billing. This efficiency in data transmission highlights the capabilities of the MQTT protocol in IoT.

In precision agriculture, MQTT allows for remote monitoring of soil moisture sensors and crop health analytics even in farmlands with unstable connectivity. By using the MQTT protocol in IoT, farmers receive timely alerts on droughts or pest infestations, which helps protect yields and resources.

For device health monitoring, MQTT facilitates continuous remote monitoring by instantly transmitting data such as vibration and temperature to operators. This enables teams to identify deteriorating components and prevent unplanned downtime, demonstrating the effectiveness of the MQTT protocol in IoT.

In billing and invoicing systems, MQTT enhances accuracy and auditability. Its reliable message delivery, coupled with duplicate detection, transforms invoice processing for telcos, utilities, and SaaS companies. By eliminating duplicate records, the MQTT protocol in IoT prevents costly inaccuracies and revenue leakage.

Learn More: Top 7 IoT Applications in 2024
Download Now: Comprehensive Guide to Smart Farming and Agriculture 2024
Download Now: Smart Health Monitoring

Advantages of MQTT Protocol

  • Ease of Use

    One of the most compelling features of MQTT is its ease of use. The MQTT protocol offers ready-made clients and brokers, allowing for quick and straightforward implementation. This simplicity greatly facilitates the integration of IoT devices into networks, minimizing development time and simplifying connectivity challenges.

  • Reliability

    MQTT queues messages and retries delivery, effectively handling intermittent connections that are common in IoT environments. Its Quality of Service (QoS) levels add another layer of reliability, ensuring that messages are delivered accordingly. This reliability is critical for maintaining data integrity and timely delivery across diverse and potentially unstable network conditions.

  • Bidirectional Communication

    MQTT supports omnidirectional communication, meaning any device in the network can act as a publisher or a subscriber to any topic. This flexibility enhances communication within IoT networks, enabling devices to both send and receive important operational data. This bidirectional nature of MQTT facilitates more dynamic and interactive IoT applications.

  • Scalability and Future-Proofing

    MQTT handles broadcasting a message to a hundred devices or a million effortlessly. The process remains the same: publish to a common topic, and all subscribed devices receive the message. This scalability makes MQTT an excellent choice for growing IoT networks, accommodating an increasing number of devices without needing significant changes to the infrastructure.

MQTT Protocol vs HTTP, CoAP, and AMQP: Comparing Top IoT Communication Protocols

The MQTT Protocol in IoT is often compared to other IoT communication protocols like HTTP, CoAP, and AMQP. Here’s how MQTT stands out:

  • MQTT vs HTTP

    Unlike HTTP, which follows a request/response model, MQTT’s publish/subscribe model is more efficient for IoT applications with intermittent connectivity or low bandwidth. This makes MQTT more suitable for constrained devices where constant communication is not possible, and battery life is a concern.

  • MQTT vs CoAP (Constrained Application Protocol)

    While CoAP is also a lightweight protocol designed for IoT, MQTT offers more reliable message delivery with its QoS levels. This makes MQTT the preferred choice for applications where data integrity and message reliability are crucial, whereas CoAP might be more suitable for simpler, non-critical data exchanges.

  • MQTT vs AMQP (Advanced Message Queuing Protocol)

    AMQP is a more feature-rich protocol, offering advanced queuing and routing capabilities, but it’s heavier compared to MQTT. For applications requiring minimal overhead, such as sensor networks or simple IoT deployments, MQTT’s lightweight nature makes it the better option.

Closing Notes

In the fast-paced IoT domain, MQTT communications is ideal for IoT applications. With its publish/subscribe model, it unlocks the full potential of IoT in a wide variety of industries, ranging from health monitoring to manufacturing and many more. Leverage this simple architecture and easy-to-use API of MQTT to ensure reliable connectivity and optimum performance in our connected ecosystem.

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Download Now: 2024 Comprehensive Guide to Message Query Telemetry Transport (MQTT)

Go Beyond and Explore

Yes, MQTT can function without Internet connectivity. In such scenarios, it can operate on local area networks (LANs) or intranets using a local MQTT broker. This is crucial for industrial IoT (IIoT) deployments where devices must communicate in real-time with minimal latency and high reliability, even in the absence of Internet access. This setup typically involves configuring local brokers and clients to handle data transmission within a confined network infrastructure.

MQTT typically uses TCP port 1883 for standard connections and TCP port 8883 for connections secured with SSL/TLS. These ports are officially designated by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA). Proper configuration of firewall rules and network security policies to allow traffic through these ports is critical for ensuring seamless and secure communication between MQTT clients and brokers in an IoT ecosystem.

MQTT relies on the TCP/IP protocol stack for data transmission, ensuring reliable and ordered delivery of messages. TCP provides the underlying transport layer, which is essential for MQTT’s quality of service (QoS) levels. Additionally, MQTT can utilize WebSockets (typically over ports 80 or 443) to facilitate communication through firewalls and proxies, making it suitable for web-based IoT applications where traditional TCP connections might be restricted.

The MQTT protocol is optimized for transmitting small-sized messages efficiently. While the protocol specification allows for message payloads up to 256MB, typical implementations and use cases involve much smaller payloads to minimize bandwidth consumption and improve latency. The protocol’s efficiency in handling frequent, small data packets makes it ideal for resource-constrained devices and environments where network reliability and bandwidth are limited.

HTTP is a stateless, synchronous, request-response protocol primarily used for web services and browsing. In contrast, MQTT is a stateful, asynchronous, publish-subscribe protocol designed for lightweight, real-time messaging in IoT applications. MQTT’s architecture supports persistent sessions and minimal overhead, which significantly reduces network traffic and latency compared to HTTP. This makes MQTT more suitable for scenarios requiring real-time data exchange, such as telemetry data from sensors and control commands to actuators in IoT deployments.

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