Cavli Wireless

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What are the key differences between the SDIO and PCIe interfaces in Cavli’s modules, and how do they impact performance?

Highlights the technical contrast between SDIO (used in C10QM and C20QM) and PCIe (used in CQM220) and their effect on bandwidth and application suitability.


Which applications are best suited for the CQM220 module, and how does its PCIe interface enhance performance?

Focuses on high-bandwidth use cases like real-time video streaming and how the PCIe interface enables seamless operation in demanding environments.


How do the L1-only and L1+L5 GNSS variants differ?

The C17QS module powers various IoT applications, including:

  • Asset Tracking: High-value asset monitoring with enhanced accuracy and security.
  • Smart Toll Collection Solutions: Enables future proof toll collection that bills based on distance travelled on a particular toll road.
  • Precision Farming: Guiding autonomous tractors and other agricultural machinery, optimizing irrigation and fertilizer application based on location.


What factors should OEMs consider when selecting between the C10QM, C20QM, and CQM220 modules?

Discusses the balance between cost-effectiveness and performance based on application-specific bandwidth requirements.


How does the choice of connectivity module affect the end-user experience in IoT applications like security systems or smart agriculture?

Examines how bandwidth capabilities translate into real-world benefits for end users, such as efficient irrigation or high-quality video streaming.



Soorya Kumar A

Associate- Product Marketing
Cavli Wireless


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